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TWN Workforce Audit


Our comprehensive survey looks at the traits and key motivators of the individuals in an organization

Developed and validated by a globally respected organizational and clinical psychologist, the Core Motivation Analysis (CMA) takes just 10-12 minutes to complete, and fuses the results into actionable methods to mentor, team build, coach and reposition individuals within an organization.

A dynamic assessment of individuals which helps you...

Perceive individuals for who they are

Know your peoples’ strengths

Understand what individuals need from others

Take the Three Easy Steps to get started...

1. Register and take the survey
2. Review your results with a TWN associate and learn to implement the system for you and the team/company to meet your identified needs
3. Be an administrator to implement the plan. Choose a DIY plan or Connect with us for a TWN Custom Solutions package

Why our assessment provides the most VALUABLE DATA

We have taken the most powerful theories out there and distilled them to the most usable amount of content in a short-form application. Imagine: one assessment that simplifies and qualifies your team or group.

It’s amazing what can be learned in 10-12 minutes. As an administrator, you instantly receive a detailed report of each completed test. You’ll gain a significant depth of understanding of your workforce.

CMA is based upon the most respected personality paradigm: the Millon Theory.

During the assessment process, we utilize our proprietary
Core Motivation Analysis (CMA) solution system.
CMA's dynamic dashboard allows any organization
to operationalize the data for system-wide programs.

Fully Automated

Fully Automated

No other survey on the market is fully-automated for your selection process when building effective teams

Fully Automated

positive tool

Developed to be a very positive and useful tool, focused on identifying, then leveraging peoples’ strengths

Fully Automated


Examines 16 personality types to learn what motivates people, plus 8 Thinking and 8 Behavior styles - all of which are trainable

Fully Automated

improved workplace

Increases productivity - and satisfaction - in work environments as diverse as manufacturing facilities to white collar offices

Fully Automated

position people properly

Results reported in real-time facilitate informed decisionmaking that ensures  participants will be happiest and most productive in their roles

Fully Automated


Pricing is very competitive...(organization discounts available), especially considering the relative value provided

Core Motivation

Watch the TWN automated system in action!

The Trust Well Network is always here to guide and support you.
Core Motivation
Personality Tests for Teams

CMA for Teams

You know the importance of building cooperative, productive teams within your organization.
Once your team has taken the quick survey, you will have new insights into how and where to best utilize the strengths of individuals on your team.

CMA for Individuals

Now, more than ever, personal and professional development tops most employees’ lists of important aspects of their jobs. Core Motivation Analysis is a Critical Thinking Survey that helps ensure people with an outgoing personality can be placed in more publicly visible positions, while those who are not outgoing may be better able to work from home to accomplish mission critical tasks

Personality Tests for Individuals
Personality Tests for Coaches and Consultants

CMA for Coaches and Consultants

We all know that accurately assessing people enhances your relationship with the people for whom you're responsible. CMA helps you apply your expertise and insights to better help them make the choices and improvements will help them

CMA Feedback: by the numbers

Coaches success rate in
reaching their clients’ goals
Administrators’ ability to more
successfully place workers
Workers who feel their
strengths are better understood


Pricing for the Trust Well Network’s Core Motivation Analysis at $24.95 per person is
affordable especially considering the relative value provided.
Trust Well Network offers tiered programs that can be customized to fit your administrative
and budgetary situation - to  produce the measurable results you’re seeking!
Connect with us!
Have a CMA question?
We’ve got you covered.
Your question isn’t answered? Contact Us
How does it increase team productivity?
Like no other personality test, the CMA measures motivation, as well as thinking and behavior. As a result, some individuals can be positioned to perform multiple roles that leverage their natural strengths. Each participant becomes a stronger link in the chain, thereby increasing organizational intelligence and overall team productivity.
Does everyone get assigned a “personality type”?
CMA identifies a personality type 98% of the time. In all situations, you get actionable data with which to position people, since CMA is validated with the most used and respected psychological industry personality assessment.
Can I purchase a Core Motivation Analysis (CMA) for someone else?
Yes. Coaches, Consultants, HR Directors and Team Leaders in Organizations regularly purchase CMA Tests for others. We’ve designed an automated system to make the process easy-to-use. Simply invite individual testers – or an entire group - using your own personal credit link code that TWN provides. You distribute through text, email or even create your own QR Code.
Which payment methods do you accept?
We accept major credit cards. Processing done through PayPal (no account needed).
We at Trust Well Network are always here for you.