When you meet someone who changes your direction and moves you to a higher vision, something inspiring can become a reality as it did for Heller and LaCour from the moment they met.
LaCour has a voice that was heard across multiple generations. Through his communication style, he has connected with people by listening with his heart instead of his head. Concerned with the new relationship created between society and technology, not only in the workplace but at the dinner table, he was looking to develop a solid platform in his life and career to give back, and make a change for people to move positively forward.
Heller, realizing that everyone grows up, seeks love and wants to fit in, wondered how others could be helped to more effectively communicate in multiple environments, with their loved ones, co-workers and peers. “My job,” Heller proudly states, “is to devise methods that continually help people increase their satisfaction and self-esteem.” It took Heller’s working in the wrong job for the wrong reasons for him to finally break free from his old paradigm and co-create something new.
As a sort of “yin and yang” with connecting values to enhance the human connection, the two joined - and now act as a united force - to enable people to be more successful; no matter where they fit into a family or organization.
How Heller and LaCour work, fits naturally with their (different) personalities; as others continue to identify with their mission. In turn, they are re-inspired and reinvigorated about ways to enhance others’ successes.
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